ENQ (Enquiry), an open access journal for architectural research, is an online journal (ISSN 2329-9339) published by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) as a resource for research in architecture and to support the continued development of research culture in the discipline. ENQ is committed to open sharing and persistent access to knowledge as a key element in building and maintaining an architectural research community.


Open access

Open Access – ENQ is free from all access barriers, allowing for the widest possible global dissemination of your work, leading to more citations. We are a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which is committed to journal visibility, accessibility and reputation.


Visibility – all articles published in ENQ are automatically harvested by WorldCat, Avery Index, Scopus and Google Scholar. We are an OAI compliant system to ensure compatibility between metadata and harvesting services. Our indexing partners ensure author articles are highly visible and connected to related research.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity - ENQ does not charge authors to publish articles. The journal is funded by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium which allows the editorial and publication process to focus on academic integrity, quality, relevancy and significance independant to revenue sources.


Stability - ENQ is a member of CrossREF to provide our authors with stable DOI management for their articles and to increase visibility and citation.

Engaged editorial process

Engaged Editorial Process - ENQ's article review process consists of several editorial passes and peer reviews which help authors develop their work. This also makes ENQ a positive environment for early career academics and Ph.D. candidates, supporting the ARCC's focus on research culture.

retain copyright

Retain copyright – authors retain the copyright to their own article; they are free to disseminate their work in any other format. ENQ retains first rights to publication only.

All archiving rights

All archiving rights – authors can deposit any version of their manuscript in any required repository or archive, or post articles to their personal or institutional website.


Call for Articles: 22.1 edition of ENQ


The ARCC board and ENQ Editorial Board would like to solicit proposals for articles in Volume 22.1 of Enquiry, which will be published in Q2 of 2025.

In this open call, articles addressing complex topics, including challenges around data collection, tools, creativity, pedagogy, materials, modeling, and engagement through the larger themes of Ethics and Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Interdisciplinarity, Education, and Innovative Materials and Construction, are encouraged. Different theoretical perspectives, epistemologies, and methodological approaches are also invited. Scales addressed could be from the level of construction details (i.e., envelope construction and indoor air quality, construction systems, etc.) to the building scale (i.e., a design for movement, circular economies, etc.) to the community scale (i.e., participatory action research, community engagement strategies, etc.). Empirical research, literature reviews, theoretical arguments, and methodological outlines are all welcome.


The submission deadlines for the next upcoming issue is:

01 March 2025. Deadline for submission of articles
June 2025. Publication

Submit articles at: https://arcc-journal.org/index.php/arccjournal/about/submissions

More information for authors: https://www.arcc-journal.org/index.php/arccjournal/information/authors


Submission process: Potential authors need to register at the Journal’s website in order to submit an article for consideration ( http://www.arcc-journal.org/index.php/arccjournal/user/register ). All interaction and review is done through this portal. The author may log in at any time to see the stage of their article.

Enquiry is a research focused dissemination outlet. This means that topic and content is not restricted by theme, but articles are considered based on their research modality. The three major models of research are:        Primary or contributive research

(working to produce a knowledge base with seminal questions and clear methodology)

Applied or speculative research

(synthesizing or applying existing knowledge in context)

Institutional research

(The study of research and institutions in, and allied with, the architectural discipline).

Ph.D level research is highly encouraged for submission – the ARCC is supportive to new researchers in our field.

Articles should be written in English and be between 6,000 and 12,000 words. They should include an abstract and keywords located before the introduction. The author’s names should not appear anywhere on the titlepage or manuscript as the journal is double-blind peered reviewed. Files should be in .doc, .docx or .rtf fomats. Total file size should not exceed 2mb. Images may be embedded in files submitted for review, but they should be at screen resolution. Otherwise, images may be uploaded as supplementary material if they are located for placement in the main text. Full submission guidelines can be found at:


Read more about Call for Articles: 22.1 edition of ENQ

Current Issue

Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Perception

This collection of articles takes a multidisciplinary approach to the relationship between architecture, human experiences, and environmental contexts. Guided by principles of phenomenology, neuroarchitecture, and biomimicry, the articles examine ways in which perceptions, emotions, and the natural world shape and are shaped by architectural spaces. Part of these discussion is the role of the urban "third place" as a social catalyst and how design can be used as a tool of transformation in the navigation of climate crisis. By adopting the refractive approach to neuroarchitecture, these papers explore ways in which the built environments can engage the senses, forge human connectivities, and stir towards sustainable solutions for the future.

Published: 2024-12-31